Monday, October 13, 2008

Samoan Psalms

As part of one of our weekly community nights, each small group wrote a "Samoan Psalm". The point was to write a psalm, song, poem, or other work of literary genius using imagery from the place around us. Here they are!

by Sara, Bryant, Catherine, Rachel, Ashley, Hannah
Climbing trees swift and quick
Originated dance smooth and slick
Language with rhythm, with beats, with rhyme
Dancing with fire—so sublime
Gift offering unselfish and pure
Weaving baskets that create such lure
Painting bark with the greatest of ease
Carving from all kinds of trees
Cooking with the earth to feed all around
Hunting to provide for all that are found
Serving to present nothing but love
Music sent from directly above
Hospitality to a perfect stranger
Protection to all in the greatest of danger
In all of these things what do you find
Something spontaneous? Random?
That doesn’t align?
Look a bit deeper in love and kinship
These people are whole, it’s their worship.

by Marcel, Sarah, Matt, Shalisa, Kari, Amanda
(To the tune of Jesus Loves Me)
Jesus made the lava rocks
And the volcanoes on our walks
They are very beautiful
Jesus made them
Wow, he’s cool!

Yes we adore you
In all that we do
You made Samoa
All nature gives you praise

Jesus made the waterfall
And the blowholes that we saw
Oceans deep and waters blue
Life beneath sings praise to you

Jesus’ love is all around
In the faces of this town
Serving others joyfully
It’s through them we see His heart

by Gretchen, Juliette, Laura, Joe, Heidi, Bridget
Psalm of the Samoan Sunset
Praise be to God in the highest
In the highest coconut of the tallest tree
Praise be to God in the lowest
In the lowest starfish of the deep blue sea
Praise be to God in the smallest
In the smallest touch of a newborn baby
Praise be to God in the greatest
In the greatest heart of a Samoan friend

Your power is whispered in the softest breeze
And echoed to all in the pouring rain

Praise be to you oh God, painter of the skies
Our breath is quiet
Our hearts are still

by Nissi, Emma, Rich, Leah
Based on Psalm 23
The Lord is my High Chief, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in the shade of the mango tree. He leads me to the reefs of the Savaii shore. He restores my soul. He leads me in the paths of community for His name’s sake. Though I suffer at the hands of the tattooist, I will fear no pain for You are with me. Your tradition and ava root comfort me. You prepare a feast before me as I do for those of my family. You anoint my waist with a lavalava, my coconut runs over. Surely pigs and roosters will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the fale of the Lord forever and ever. Amen.

by Courtnay, Allison, Rita, Tommy, Anela
Inspired by Psalm 104

Praise the Lord oh my soul
Oh Lord my God you are very great
You are clothed with splendor and majesty
He kindled a fire from the depths of the sea
And she rose up over the water
From the ashes to green,
His sweet Samoa.
As a new day breaks, He paints her sky a deep blue.
She cries in praise, as her eyes turn to the heavens,
Weeping tears of turquoise rain dropping into the ocean.
He covers her with a flowing green dress adorned with
frangipani, hibiscus, and red ginger,
By her side, the lanky coconut tree, its fronds like rain in the wind,
He created a beautiful people to sustain and protect her,
Their music is like a lullaby to her ears, beconihng the night,
He blankets her in a bed of stars,
God’s beautiful creation
His sweet Samoa

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